Thursday 1 April 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our two actors were white british 17 year olds. These actor played characters that related to our target audience and also to our british audience. The character Rachel is a university student and our target audience is 16-25 year olds. Rachel is a typical damsel in distress and she could be represented in a stereotypical manner because of this, however the rest of our film will be about how Rachel seeks revenge on her torturer and this defies the generic conventions of how a woman should be the distressed victim. Our male character is tall and wearing a hoodie, this could be represented of a criminal youth and his dominant and agressive nature is a typical convention of a horror film where the antagonist is male.
In the first 2 minutes of the film the story is told from Rachels persective and the rest of our film will be told in Rachel's perspective. In order to make it clear that we are teling the story from Rachel's persepctive, we made sure to add lots of close ups on the character and have Rachel in the center of all the attention. For example, the very first image at the start of the film is the stalkerboard of Rachel and this denotes to the audience that she is the protagonist and connotes to the audience that she has been stalked.

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